Mary Smith has been interested in the environment for as long as she can remember. Her career, however, focused on teaching computer skills and design to high school students. She left teaching in 2017 to focus on web design and development. Although sitting behind a computer paid the bills, she remained deeply connected to the outdoors.
Because of that deeply instilled connection, Mary became a Watershed Steward in 2020 through the Watershed Stewards Academy (WSA). She felt drawn to work with others in her faith community, St Andrew by the Bay, to create a conservation landscape as her capstone project.
As many stewards know, finishing a capstone is often only the start of a new journey of environmental caretaking. Mary recognized that her skills as a web designer could be put to good use in helping Save Our Trees, one of WSA’s programs, develop and maintain a website. For the past year, she has re-designed the site, kept the news current and updated the ever-changing list of upcoming ivy-removal events. Her diligence with these tasks has meant that the SOT founders can focus on new projects, grants and expanded outreach.
Mary recognizes that effective communication can raise awareness and enhance understanding of environmental issues. She is particularly interested in the ways in which the arts can inspire concern for the environment. Save Our Trees is grateful that she is using her interests and inspirations to create a compelling website that explains what we do and why we do it while encouraging others to see the invasive vine problem and join the movement to diminish this scourge on our landscape.
Check out Mary’s work at