Tree Trooper Program
Clean Water Grows On Trees
Tree Troopers are trained volunteers who are passionate about planting trees in their communities! Their dedication to the mission of RePlant Anne Arundel and RePlant Annapolis is a primary driver of increasing tree canopy throughout the area. The trees they plant will reduce stormwater runoff and improve water quality in the Chesapeake Bay for years to come, which is why we here at RePlant like to say “clean water grows on trees!”
Become a Tree Trooper
This Training is brought to you by The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay and the watershed stewards academy
Training Overview:
All of our sessions are recorded and available for viewing for program participants all-year round.
Session 1: Benefits of Trees, Tree Biology, Right Tree Right Place + Tree Trooper Community Outreach Strategies
Session 2: Tree Planting, Tree Maintenance
Session 3: Tree Trooper Project Logistics
Session 4: Additional Questions, Planning for the Fall
Information on in-person planting sessions will be provided when the course is completed.
Why are we planting trees?
From 2013 to 2017, Anne Arundel County lost over 2,500 acres of forests, the highest rate of forest loss in any urbanized county in Maryland. In response to this loss, WSA, in partnership with Anne Arundel County and with support from the Helena Foundation, has created RePlant Anne Arundel. Since 2020, RePlant Anne Arundel has planted over 12,000 trees and engaged over 950 residents! Over 3,000 of these trees were planted through Tree Trooper projects. Throughout 2023, RePlant Anne Arundel will continue to engage residents in designing and installing tree planting projects.
Since 2011, the city of Annapolis has lost over 100 acres of canopy cover. Based on the RePlant Anne Arundel model, we are proud to announce RePlant Annapolis, a city-funded tree planting program, scheduled to begin plantings in 2022. This program is focused on helping the city achieve 50% urban tree canopy by 2036.
Why do we need trees?
Clean water grows on trees! Beyond beautifying our landscapes, trees offer many benefits. Tree canopies reduce stormwater runoff by intercepting and holding rainfall. Tree roots hold soil in place, prevent it from washing into our waterways, and promote infiltration. Trees are also an integral part of our ecology, giving food and shelter to native animals such as birds.
How Do I Get Trees Planted In My Community?
RePlant Anne Arundel will plant thousands of native trees and shrubs in communities of all types this year. From the physical or geographic area you call home, to your faith community, school, or even your local library, our communities take many forms. RePlant will leverage connections with communities across the county to plant trees.
To ensure trees are properly planted and maintained, communities will need at least one trained Tree Trooper. While most trees will be planted by community volunteers, some sites may require professional installation. Tree Troopers will work with WSA to determine the installation method.
Tree Troopers Ann Fleer and Jessie Bradley at Sandy Point State Park, their tree planting project site
Who are the Tree Troopers?
Tree Troopers are the volunteer leaders of RePlant Anne Arundel’s planting efforts. Tree Troopers will receive multiple hour-long webinar training sessions, culminating in an in-person session that covers topics such as tree biology, siting trees in a landscape, proper tree planting techniques, and more! This training is a customized version of the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s Tree Stewards Training, specific to Anne Arundel County. The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay will conduct the training with support from Watershed Stewards Academy.
What happens after i get certified?
After completing the course, you will be prepared to engage your community to coordinate tree planting. You will identify planting sites in your community and help your friends, neighbors, and associations in choosing the right species for the right spot. Once trained, you join WSA's family of tree-loving volunteers and will be able to plan projects for years to come and hear about other volunteer opportunities.
““The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.””