Pronouns and DEIJ

In recent years, it has become increasingly common for individuals to add pronouns in email signatures.  This helps to normalize the practice of stating pronouns and reduces assumptions that lead to misgendering.  It also raises awareness and promotes inclusivity.

We've added pronouns to our email signatures to acknowledge the harm that misgendering creates and to show our understanding and respect for all people, especially those in the transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary community. 

To learn more about using pronouns, we recommend these resources:

About DEIJ and WSA

WSA is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) across our organization. As part of an ongoing journey,  WSA is exploring many ways we can make our organization more inclusive of all Anne Arundel County residents. If you have questions about this or other DEIJ efforts, please contact Noelle Chao, Director of Education and Equity Initiatives or Suzanne Etgen, Executive Director.  

Have you notice this sign at a WSA event? Click to read more!