Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice

Diversity, equity, inclusion and justice are not a part of WSA’s work. They are WSA’s work. Our vision - every community in Anne Arundel County is actively engaged to ensure a healthy environment for all – cannot be achieved without the transformative changes in our organization and the way we engage all communities. We are on a journey toward greater equity and we hope you will join us.

While some of WSA’s efforts have resulted in relationships and projects that move in the direction of equity and inclusion, we acknowledge that our work has been insufficient to create the change needed to restore our waterways and reach all communities in our county.

When we adopted our most recent Strategic Plan in June 2020, our Board, Staff and Strategic Planning Committee affirmed a strong organizational commitment to DEIJ, and acknowledged that this commitment requires a careful analysis of our organization and an ongoing process of listening to communities to better understand their needs and clarify the role for WSA in making Anne Arundel County the best place for all.

One of the most important aspects of this journey is continuous feedback with you, our WSA Family. As with all of WSA’s work, the work of equity cannot be achieved without you – your ideas, your observations, your volunteer efforts, or your financial support.  As this work unfolds, we will update you on our progress and seek your thoughts and ideas as we move forward. Click here for more.