Orders Open April 7!
Please fill out our interest form
if you would like to participate in 2025.
Wildflowers in a Weekend Native Plant Kits
In Spring 2024, WSA launched our first native kit: Wildflowers in a Weekend. These kits are intended to help people easily plant a native Wildflower garden, with no expertise or experience required!
We are piloting this project and have a limited number of kits available!
Each kit is $95 and contains:
18 quart-sized native plants
Planting and maintenance instructions
A biodegradable plant placement template
Plant information cards
and more!
To order a kit*, you must:
Live in Anne Arundel County (including the City of Annapolis)
Own or have permission to plant on the property
Be new to planting native plants**
Have a 6x5 ft area to plant that gets appropriate sun:
Option 1: Fun in the Sun (6+ hours of full sun each day)
Option 2: Made in the Shade (4 or less hours of sun each day)
*Limited to one kit per household
Pick-Up details
Providence Greenhouses
370 Shore Acres Rd
Arnold, MD 21012
Will you make more kits?
After the Spring and Fall pilots, we hope to implement this on a wider scale. To help us keep the momentum growing and make more kits available to more people, consider donating to support WSA! Write Wildflowers in the comment box so we know you’re interested!