AACo Communities Commit to Take Action for Clean Water

After a few years of Master Watershed Stewards working in their neighborhoods, it became apparent some communities were ready to take on more comprehensive action for clean water, but needed additional guidance. In 2013, the Watershed Stewards Academy created the Clean Water Communities program to address this need. The Clean Water Communities program connects neighborhoods with the tools to reduce stormwater pollution and improve the health of our waterways. By changing old habits and installing new landscape features, communities will reduce pollution and earn a designation as a Clean Water Community.

One of Hillsmere's many rain gardens.

One of Hillsmere's many rain gardens.

Two previous iterations of this program, in Hillsmere and Linthicum, included pollution reduction projects such as cisterns, bioswales and rain gardens. The Watershed Stewards Academy drew on the experiences of Hillsmere and Linthicum to further develop the Clean Water Communities Program. Two Anne Arundel County communities, Pines on the Severn in Arnold and Glen Isle in Riva, are participating in the most recent iteration of the Clean Water Communities Program. This program includes training two Master Watershed Stewards and 10-15 Community Stewards per community who will support Master Watershed Stewards through the certification process.

The Clean Water Communities Certification includes:

  • A Community Assessment to determine pollution sources and opportunities for environmental restoration within the community
  • Training and Technical Assistance
    • Two Master Watershed Stewards trained through the Watershed Stewards Academy
    • Community Steward Training: an introductory environmental training class given by Watershed Stewards Academy. This class is for 10-15 of your community members. 
    • Access to WSA’s toolbox of educational (design tools, native plant guide, outreach materials) and restoration resources as well as connection with qualified restoration contractors and professionals. 
  • Habits that Help Pledge The Community Assessment will identify habits that, if adopted, will reduce pollution. A small group of community members, with the assistance of the WSA staff, will create a plan to educate the community about the Habits that Help and obtain commitment pledges from 20% of the households in the community to adopt at least 3 of the 5 habits. 
  • 10 Residential Site Assessments WSA will assist Community Stewards and Master Watershed Stewards in identifying neighbors who are willing to install an environmental restoration project on their property. These projects may include rain barrels, rain gardens, conservation landscapes or tree plantings.
  • Project Installations (optional):  If the community chooses to proceed to the project installation phase, funding assistance (both direct funding and grant writing assistance) is available. 
Pines on the Severn Community Training

Pines on the Severn Community Training

Training began on December 2nd for the Community Stewards of Pines on the Severn and begins on January 20th for Glen Isle.  The first day of training includes a Restoration Tour of projects throughout Anne Arundel County to expose the Community Stewards to potential projects that could be applied in their own neighborhood.

Winterize Your Rain Barrel

Severna Park Community Center.jpg

Is your rain barrel ready for winter? Before the first freeze, be sure to take the proper precautions to protect your barrel. Without maintenance, stored water can freeze and cause a plastic barrel to crack or burst. 

Completely drain your barrel by opening all spigots.
Detach and store hoses. Once detached from hoses, route the drain water away from base of the barrel and foundation using a splash block or other method.
Remove debris and residue from the interior of the barrel.
Cover the barrel with a tarp, or turn over if possible. This prevents water accumulation and weather damage.

Favorite Fall Natives

Fall doesn't have to mean drab and dreary plants! WSA's Outreach Coordinator Tara Mairs recommends the following native plants for excellent fall color:


This amazing canopy nut tree has a large oval shape, growing 60-100’ high and 35-50’ wide.  Fall color ranges from yellow to orange, depending on the species, making it a standout in any forest garden.


This large fruit-bearing shrub can grow up to 15’ tall and as wide if allowed to sucker to form a hedge.  Fall color ranges from red to burgundy, creating a beautiful background screening thicket.   


This perennial is often planted for its white spring flowers, but consider it as an added bonus to any fall color ensemble.  This plant grows to about 3’ tall, and has an impact in small groups as well as mass plantings


A Pain in the Drain!

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Please remove the leaves from hard surfaces around your yard this fall.  It really does make a difference!

Top 10 Reasons to Be a Leaf Leader this Fall!

10. It’s good exercise

9. Spend quality time with your kids outside

8. Make an impact in your neighborhood: lead by example and your community will follow suit

7. Keep your creek clean. Each year, tons of leaves from our communities contribute to dead zones in our waterways

6. Leaves cleared from the streets prevent injury and accidents

5. Protect your local wildlife. Insects, birds and small mammals rely on leaf litter for food, shelter and nesting material

4. Your azaleas, camellias, and rhododendrons thrive with shredded organic leaf humus

3. Enhances clay or sandy soil and introduces beneficial microorganisms to the soil

2. Protects shrubs and perennials from extreme temperature changes

1. Because it’s easy, ecological and the right thing to do


Leaf Removal Tips

Use the right tools! Like cooking, when you use the correct tools, it makes the job easier, faster, and more enjoyable.  Your leaf litter will quickly become humus or leaf mold, a rich organic soil amendment, if it’s chopped into smaller pieces. To do this, rake your leaves onto a 10’x12’ tarp, drag and unload to a flat open area to “mower mulch”.  Organize collecting areas around the mowing areas and have at least two mulching areas to minimize dragging tarps.  Set the mower to the highest position & dump leaves onto the flat surface.  One person rakes the leaves to contain them for the second person while they chop the leaves into smaller pieces.  Spread a 3-4 inch layer on top of your shrub beds (leaves will compact over time) or save for future uses in a wire bin where it will continue to decompose. Add a nitrogen source (grass clippings next spring) to produce an excellent organic fertilizer or soil amendment.

Improve turf quality and save $$. Based on research, mowing leaves into the lawn as leaves fall has been proven to improve the conditions of grass. The decomposed leaves will release nitrogen and phosphorus into the soil, the same nutrients in fertilizer typically applied in the fall. Set your mower to a 4” height and mow weekly.  Leaves shred more efficiently with residual light morning dew. Visually inspect in the spring, and you will notice a pleasant difference.

Protect the trees. Compacted soil, scarred tree trunks & damaged surface roots, OH MY!  Soil is compacted around tree roots from lawn mowers, thus reducing necessary oxygen for healthy growth.  Guard new and mature trees from viscous string trimmers and damaging turf equipment by creating mulched beds around the trees using your shredded leaves. After a few rainstorms, the leaves will flatten and become a dark bronze colored mulch that inhibits weed growth but allows perennials to emerge in the spring.

Article originally written by Missy Jones in October 2013. Adapted for the WSA blog by Katie Foster.

About Missy Jones Missy Jones is the owner of Architectural Gardens, a landscape design/build and garden maintenance company that specializes in custom residential landscapes.  Missy enrolled in WSA Class 5 to become certified as a Master Watershed Steward in Anne Arundel County. Since growing up on the Severn River watershed, her passion is to help save the bay and educate homeowners about conservation landscaping, thus reducing the negative impact of storm water runoff. Landscaping is in her blood: Missy’s father owned a landscaping company in the Annapolis area and she’s been in the garden ever since she learned to walk.