Upcoming Events

Branch Out with WSA, 3/29

Tree Planting & Site Clean-Up at Riviera Beach

Saturday, March 29th, 9am-12pm

Carroll Road, Pasadena MD 21122

Interested in hearing about other tree planting volunteer opportunities? Please email replant@aawsa.org to express your interest, or sign up for WSA’s newsletter here.


RePlant Anne Arundel

From 2013 to 2017, Anne Arundel County lost over 2,500 acres of forests, the highest rate of forest loss in any urbanized county in Maryland. In response to this loss, WSA, in partnership with Anne Arundel County and with support from the Helena Foundation, has created RePlant Anne Arundel. Since 2020, RePlant Anne Arundel has planted over 20,000 trees and engaged over 4,300 residents!

RePlant Annapolis

Since 2011, the city of Annapolis has lost over 100 acres of canopy cover. Based on the RePlant Anne Arundel model, RePlant Annapolis, a city-funded tree planting program, will begin it’s second year of planting projects this upcoming spring. This program is focused on helping the city achieve 50% urban tree canopy by 2050. From September 2023 to December 2024, RePlant Annapolis planted 141 trees across various communities within the City.


Clean water grows on trees! Beyond beautifying our landscapes, trees offer many benefits. Tree canopies reduce stormwater runoff by intercepting and holding rainfall. Tree roots hold soil in place, prevent it from washing into our waterways, and promote infiltration. Trees are also an integral part of our ecology, giving food and shelter to native animals such as birds.

How can I plant trees?

Through RePlant, WSA offers four tree planting initiatives:

Backyard BUffers

Tree and shrub seedlings for individual properties in Anne Arundel County.

Groves of

Single native trees and pre-designed, native tree bundles for individual properties.

Tree Troopers

Community-based tree planting program for neighborhoods, congregations, schools, and more.

Tree Ambassadors

Community-based tree planting program which seeks to bring trees to underrepresented communities.

Interested in Trees but not sure What Program is right for you?

Complete our RePlant Interest Form here to receive more information on our different tree programs.

Contact replant@aawsa.org with questions or to get connected with an existing Tree Trooper near you.

MARYLANDERS PLant Trees Coupon - Save $25 off a tree purchase!

Please be sure to read the terms and conditions of the coupon before using!

register your trees for DNR’s five Million Trees Initiative

Want to deepen the impact of your new trees? Register your project to Maryland DNR’s Five Million Trees Initiative here. This program has the goal of planting and maintaining five million trees in Maryland by 2031.