WSA COVID-19 Site Visit Protocols

Updated September 23, 2020

Site visits will be conducted by WSA Staff, Stewards, Steward Action Groups (Residential Site Assessment, Monitoring, and Maintenance), and Steward Candidates for the following purposes:  

  1. Project Planning: Steward capstones, Replant Anne Arundel projects, and other restoration projects

  2. Residential Site Assessments: County residents who request assistance with stormwater issues in their community

  3. Project Monitoring: WSA projects that require a physical site visit for their triennial inspection and monitoring

Each person and each community must decide if an in-person site visit is right for them. No Steward is required to move forward with any site visit if they feel the risk is too great. Stewards who choose to conduct site visits in their own communities are urged to follow CDC guidelines and follow state and local regulations including:

Site visits will be made for the purposes of giving technical information to County residents that cannot be gained from a phone call, Google Meet, GIS, or other remote means. 

  • WSA staff members, Stewards, contractors, and residents will not be required to engage in site work they are not comfortable doing.  

  • Visits will minimize human interactions by limiting the number of people and time on-site: 

    • 1-2 WSA staff members plus the Steward, Steward Candidate, or Tree Trooper and contractor if applicable.  

    • Staff and Stewards should not travel in the same vehicle to and from sites. 

    • In the case where there is a group of Steward Candidates or Tree Troopers working together, we will ask that a leader be determined to meet with the WSA staff. If it is necessary for all to meet, everyone will follow the safety protocols below.  

    • Meet only long enough to accomplish the task at hand (estimated time 30-60 min)

    • Residents will be encouraged to remain indoors if possible when a site visit is conducted. Talking with the WSA representative, contractor, or Steward via phone while indoors is preferable.  

    • If residents refuse to follow safety protocols, site visits will be cancelled. 

  • Everyone meeting on site will be required to follow CDC guidelines for safer interaction ( while outside including but not limited to:

    • Masks must be properly worn at all times

    • Social distance, minimum of 6 feet, will be maintained at all times, including no physical contact

    • Tools or other equipment will not be shared

    • No one should meet if they (1) experience any unusual illness symptoms (coughing, fever) or (2) have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 

    • Frequent hand washing or use of hand sanitizer