English Ivy 101

English ivy is an invasive evergreen vine, which climbs and covers trees. When left unmanaged, it threatens the health of the tree canopy--one of our watershed’s most valuable natural resources for reducing stormwater runoff.

Did you know?

  • When ivy climbs trees, it smothers and weakens the trees until they slowly die.

  • As it climbs fences and trees and matures, ivy produces berries favored by birds, who drop seeds, allowing ivy to spread uncontrolled into our woodlands.

  • English ivy serves as a reservoir for bacterial leaf scorch, a disease in maples, oaks, and elms.

Take action:

  • Remove ivy using the “Ring of Life” technique

  • Replace ivy with native species such as Native wisteria (Wisteria frutescens), Trumpet vine (Campsis radicans) or Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia)

  • Educate your community. Riva’s Glen Isle community created an Ivy Army, and Arnold’s Pines on the Severn Community organized a “Give Thanks for the Canopy” campaign

Learn more:
