English Ivy 101
English ivy is an invasive evergreen vine, which climbs and covers trees. When left unmanaged, it threatens the health of the tree canopy--one of our watershed’s most valuable natural resources for reducing stormwater runoff.
Did you know?
When ivy climbs trees, it smothers and weakens the trees until they slowly die.
As it climbs fences and trees and matures, ivy produces berries favored by birds, who drop seeds, allowing ivy to spread uncontrolled into our woodlands.
English ivy serves as a reservoir for bacterial leaf scorch, a disease in maples, oaks, and elms.
Take action:
Remove ivy using the “Ring of Life” technique
Replace ivy with native species such as Native wisteria (Wisteria frutescens), Trumpet vine (Campsis radicans) or Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia)
Educate your community. Riva’s Glen Isle community created an Ivy Army, and Arnold’s Pines on the Severn Community organized a “Give Thanks for the Canopy” campaign
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