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Partner Event: Rooted Wisdom Screening

  • Virtual Event United States (map)

Our friends and Interfaith Partners of the Chesapeake are hosting this event.

The Chesapeake Bay was both a means of access to slavery and an opening to opportunity and liberty for slaves in North America. A noteable amount of the Underground Railroad took place over water. Harriet Tubman, the famous conductor of the Underground Railroad used the Bay as a means to help free those seeking to escape slavery. 

JOIN IPC ON MAY 4th at 7pm! For a private screening of "Rooted Wisdom: Nature's Role in the Underground Railroad." In this film, Historian Anthony Cohen invites viewers to experience how freedom seekers used the landscape of the eastern shore to feed themselves, avoid capture and forge a path to freedom. 

*Note this will only be available for those attending during our live webinar and will not be available in our post shared recording.*

A very special performance will take place following the the film viewing, where the audience will be able to hear first hand one of the code songs used to help slaves find their way north! We are thrilled to have Linda Harris, Director of the Harriet Tubman Museum, speak on the life of Harriet and talk about the perilous journey many took in search of liberation.