Pick Up Pet Waste

WSA and the Anne Arundel County Bureau of Watershed Protection & Restoration are teaming up to encourage local dog owners to help “stop Poollution in its tracks” by scooping every time there’s poop! We are counting on YOU to help us model best behavior and spread the word.

Adopt a Neighborhood Pet Waste Station

Where can a pet waste station be installed?

A pet waste station on either County Right-of-Way (call our Outreach Coordinator to confirm before installing on public property) or on a community-owned parcel with written permission from authorized parties. Community representatives are strongly encouraged to contact Miss Utility (call 811) to ensure that there are no underground utility constraints prior to installation.

What can the County provide?

The Anne Arundel County Bureau of Watershed Protection & Restoration can purchase one (1) mini-dog waste station per community in the County through this program, plus your first round of 400 bags to fill the station. The trash can is not included. 

Who will be responsible for installing and maintaining the station?

The community will be responsible for installing the station, as well as maintenance of the station in perpetuity. 

What are your options for sourcing a trash can to service your station, should you want to install one?

Communities have several options to consider, including some of these that have been adopted locally:

  • you may choose not to install a trash can to mitigate maintenance needs;

  • you may choose to repurpose a household trash can and fix it to the station with a lock;

  • you may choose to purchase a matching/compatible can separately from Dog Waste Depot or another company; or,

  • a generous neighbor living near the pet waste station can coordinate with our Bureau to receive a free "Pet Waste Friendly Bin" sticker for a household trash can for them to leave in their yard for dog walkers to use.

Ready to adopt a pet waste station?

Email BWPR's Education & Outreach Coordinator to get started!

Campaign Kit:

Start a campaign in your neighborhood! You can download/print FREE outreach materials from this webpage to get started. County residents can also email BWPR's Education & Outreach Coordinator, Sally Albright at pwalbr00@aacounty.org or call 410-222-0136 to learn more about becoming a local leader and spearheading this campaign in your neighborhood, for which our Bureau will provide all training and materials (pet waste bag dispensers, used bag clips, printed flyers, and yard signs) to volunteer community leaders at NO COST TO YOU!

Did you know?

  • Pet waste contains nutrients that contribute to dead zones in the Bay.

  • 2-3 days of waste from 100 dogs can contribute enough bacteria, nitrogen, and phosphorous to close 20 miles of Bay watershed to swimming and shellfishing.

  • Dog poop is different from the waste created by native wild animals.  When the nutrients from pet waste are introduced into our local environment, it introduces new matter into our ecosystem, and disrupts the natural balance.

  • Dog waste is not fertilizer! A cow’s diet of grass is fundamentally different from the high-protein, meat-based diets of most dogs. Cow manure is well-suited to nourishing plant material. Dog waste is highly acidic, and as a result is harmful to grass and plants.

How you can help

  • Start a campaign in your neighborhood! Use the references above to help you get started. 

  • Regularly survey your backyard and scoop up poop before rainwaters wash it away.

  • Contract a service to remove waste from your yard like Doody Calls, Scoopers and Southern Maryland Pet Waste Removal.