Water Conservation

The average Marylander uses 100 gallons of water each day. That means a family of four uses enough water to fill a pool in just a month! Showering, toilet flushing, clothes washing and just running the faucet all add up to a lot of water down the drain. The good news is that it doesn’t take much effort to make a big dent in this number.

Reduce your water use

  • Replace old appliances and fixtures with more efficient new ones (especially toilets and washing machines).

  • Install low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators – this cuts water use in half.

  • Take shorter showers (rather than baths). Try to reduce your shower time by one minute.

  • Keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator rather than running water from the faucet until cool.

  • Run the clothes or dish washers only when full.