Protecting Large Trees

Newly planted trees will take years to reach maturity, so it’s vitally important that we protect our existing trees. Stewards throughout the County are focused on two important actions to protect trees:

Removing Invasive Vines

English ivy and other invasive vines threaten canopy trees. Controlling ivy and other invasives is critical to protecting our existing tree canopy. You can learn more about English ivy and how to control it on our website. Dozens of Watershed Stewards are focusing their communities on controlling ivy and installing a “ring of life” around canopy trees in their communities. A new resident group, Save our Trees, is being co-led by Steward Nina Fisher and advised by Steward Candidate MaryAnne Marbury to focus entirely on saving trees in the City of Annapolis.

Tree Mulch Matters!

Mulch Matters to Steward Annie Hillary! In partnership with the Master Gardeners, Annie has launched a campaign to stop volcano mulching in our communities. In addition to presentations, Annie has created outreach materials in English and Spanish.