Living Shorelines


The Maryland Department of Natural Resources defines living shorelines as, "the result of applying erosion control measures that include a suite of techniques which can be used to minimize coastal erosion and maintain coastal process. Techniques may include the use of fiber coir logs, sills, groins, breakwaters or other natural components used in coination with sand, other natural materials and/or marsh plantings. These techniques are used to protect, restore, enhance or create natural shoreline habitat."

Erosion is a normal process, one that occurs naturally over time; the concern isn't with erosion itself, but its pace. Eroding shorelines, streambanks and hillsides can cause big headaches for landowners. In attempts to slow or halt erosion, landowners have used bulkheads, riprap and dumped materials to stabilize their shorelines. these methods eliminate the sand beaches and wetlands so critical to wildlife and necessary for good water quality. They also block wildlife access between the water and land.  


Living shorelines replicate natural coastlines by using biologs, sand, stones, oyster reefs and other natural elements to restore the shore's margins and protect wetlands, while allowing wildlife access. They offer many benefits such as: 

  • Allow natural coastal processes to occur

  • Increase land and water habitat

  • Filter nutrients from upland areas

  • Likely increase property value

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