Steward Forms

Report Steward Action: We have officially migrated to WSA’s new reporting system, a statewide database managed by the University of Maryland Sea Grant. Have questions? Need help? Please contact Francesca King.

Sign-In Sheet:  Have all volunteers sign in when they attend a restoration project or outreach event. Be sure that parents or guardians sign for those under 18. Keep sign-in sheet on file for your records and to reference when you report Steward Action.

Event Attendance / Media Release: This form should be filled out by all attendees at any restoration or outreach project. There is a check box for parents/guardians to indicate they are signing for those under 18. This will allow you to use photos of them.  Do NOT upload or use photos for anyone who has not signed a photo release.  Keep signed forms on file for your records.  Currently, this form also includes a COVID release and asks the signer to indicate they have had no symptoms/exposure to COVID-19.

Property Owner AgreementThis template should be filled out by the Steward and signed by the property owners of any property you work on as a Master Watershed Steward.  Keep signed forms on file for your records.

WSA Risk Management Overview: This document explains the purpose of the above forms and when to use them.